7 Ideas for Sending Kids Well (Summer Camp, College, Back to School, or Other Pivotal Moments)

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The moment always comes. 

At some point, we are sending kids off. It might be for a day, a weekend, a week, or longer times — a summer or even the rest of their lives. 

And the reasons are as various. We will find ourselves sending kids from everything like a retreat to summer camp to grandparent visits to college or tech school to Basic Training or other elements.

And sending kids well is one element of a family’s call.

Importance of Sending Kids Well

Whatever the reason, our hope is to have them go with a sense of our love as well as God’s. A sense we are there for them and that God’s presence and plans will be found in these next moments.

Whatever the reason, all serve as a clear page marker in the story of a young person as well as the family. No matter how long or short, there is the sense that something different is taking place. A new thing is happening. 

And we have the opportunity to prepare our child as well as get any transition started well.

My family and I recently sent one of our kids to new adventures and, while he will return after a couple months, we were intentional about supporting him and sending him off with the sense of our love, enthusiasm, and God’s presence.

7 Ideas for Blessing or Sending Kids Well

In preparing, we brainstormed a few ideas, using many of them. A most basic AND important point: Whatever you can do is good. There is not a too little or a too much. 

A most basic AND important point: Whatever you can do is good. There is not a too little or a too much. 

  • Invite Friends & Family into Your Experience: Don’t underestimate the impact on you. It can be good to invite others who know what this is like. Especially for bigger launches of our kids, we don’t want our processing or challenges to be put upon the young person. Packing and prepping (literally but also emotionally) are already hard without extra baggage from us as their parents. 
  • Have Your Child Identify a Prayer Team. I had our’s pick and identify a couple people from life that we could invite to be in prayer and to encourage him. The earlier the better as often people will take an extra step to pass a word or connect with your child before going. Two benefits: 1) It’s also very interesting to hear how your child has experienced God’s presence in other people and who those people are. 2) When the adult hears they were chosen, they are encouraged and prompted to be a part of the process. Here are some ideas on how to pray.
  • “Hot Seat” as a Family: This is a time you can share with each other. Each member of the family is put in the “hot seat.” Then each of the other members of the family share something they appreciate, respect, or a meaningful time. A shorter version: just have each share one thing only for the person on their right. 
  • Pack Notes for Each Day or Week: Depending upon the adventure, you can have various people write notes and give them. If you like, you can even mark them for different days or weeks. This is especially helpful if they will not have access to mail for a bit such as in Basic Training.
  • Prayer Send Offs in Your Church: There are various places your young person has invested. One of those for us was a worship and tech team he served on. The worship leader spontaneously invited him and us after the service and the team prayed for him. It was unexpected but surprisingly meaningful. Not only did this bless him but it encouraged our family.
  • Pray and Give a Scripture: As you are praying for them, what verse or passage comes to mind? God may be giving an encouraging word for that season for them to take with them. This may or may not happen. For me, it did not come until very late, after I thought there wouldn’t be a specific one.
  • Prepare for the Return: God is always at work in our lives. For longer times away, it is good to prepare the young person for change. They will change. The family members will change. As a result, the family will change. Everyone is going to be entering in wherever they are in life. A little heads up helps make that transition back together easier. 

They will change. The family members will change. As a result, the family will change.

Hopefully these will get you started or even prompt your own ideas. There is no perfect way. Whatever you use, rest and trust in God’s presence and grace for sending kids off to those new steps. 

What other ideas or practices have you found helpful?

Photo by Julia Volk from Pexels

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