Found Along the Way: Good Idea List | August 2021

Table of Contents

In life, as with hiking, things are found along the way. Below is a good idea list (ideas, some fun, quotes, etc.) with some of those discoveries. Using the blog’s themes, check out the resources below.* And have a great month!

Nothing Wasted Life Quote: 

The story of Jesus is one of coming into lives and disrupting the rhythm, the well-worn path, bringing something new. (Source)

Extra: Just for Fun 

Olympic Mistakes?: With the Olympics in full swing, here is a fun video of gymnasts pretending their mistake didn’t happen. Pretty impressive. I’d give points for the poise and creativity of some of these!

Theology & Spiritual Life

“God’s presence is never in question, but our awareness of his presence is what makes the difference between a job and a calling.”

 “…humility was valued even over education when “qualifying” someone for ministry. The thinking was that anyone could get a degree but it takes genuine spiritual experience to walk in humility.”

Wise Living/Productivity

  • Both on rhythms of work:
  • People’s approaches to their daily rhythms is always an interest to me. Here is a post from writer Tim Grahl on a “ultimate writer’s productivity guide” that also offers his own concrete example of a daily rhythm. 


Leadership (self or others)

*A listing here is not an endorsement of everything from that person or organization.

Image Credit: Ben Branum of Creative Studio Productions.

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