Found Along the Way: Good Idea List – June 2021

In life, as with hiking, things are found along the way. Below is a good idea list (ideas, some fun, quotes, etc.) with some of those discoveries. Using the blog’s themes, check out the resources below.* And have a great month!

Nothing Wasted Life Quote: 

Forgiveness flounders because I exclude the enemy from the community of humans even as I exclude myself from the community of sinners. -Miroslav Volf

Extra: Just for Fun 

  • The generational differences can be interesting and even funny. Here are a few: 

Theology & Spiritual Life

  • Where Does Church Ministry Start? “Believe” or “Belong”: An interesting interview with general generation info as well as how the entry points are changing from “believe” to “belong.” The beginning of a church’s ministry to someone who is not a follower of Jesus yet may start in surprising ways. 
  • A Third Way?: This article on Calvinism, Arminianism, and a (relatively) modern third way that neither the first too would consider legitimate was interesting — and convicting in all the right ways.
  • New Things for Russell Moore: If you have not heard of him, he is worth listening or reading on the gospel as well as culture. He brings a winsome voice into the challenging times of being a Christian in this period of history. He is taking a new role where we may all hear a bit more from him. 

Wise Living/Productivity

  • Mental Health Challenge of 2021? Languishing: While not burnout, depression, or hopelessness, this concept captures many people’s post-COVID experiences. And it is also where some are starting for this next season of ministering and serving others in the name of Jesus. Learn more here.
  • Spend Your Days on Paper?: Prompting some good reflections for me, this podcast and notes explore themes of planning your life well, ideas to consider in planning in life, as well as helpful rhythms to build in. There’s even a free resource.  


Leadership (self or others)

  • What are People Reading and Studying? While you have to recognize the limitations, this resource takes MANY subjects and explores what is being read in them in colleges (via the syllabi). Two ideas for how to use: 1)  See what the general world is doing with a particular topic you are engaging or teaching. 2) Go to the theology section for a subject you are interested and see what are (probably) good works to explore about that. 
  • Self-Interest or Greed: This Institute of Faith, Work, and Economics’ article  “The Role of Profit in Responding to COVID-19” prompted some good reflection on faith and the complexity of dynamics. 

*A listing here is not an endorsement of everything from that person or organization.

Image Credit: Ben Branum of Creative Studio Productions.

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