New Things: 6 Inspiring Reasons for a New Year Family Reflection Tool (+ Resource)

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Nothing Wasted Life Takeaway:

A new year is not only about going forward. Pausing to look back helps us go forward better.

A new year is a great time to make a change. The soil of our life is loosened. And, in a life of faith, we are reminded that Jesus brings new things and that you aren’t going to be left as you are.

So why use a reflection tool to intentionally step toward God’s work in your life at this time of year?

6 Reasons to Use a New Year Family Reflection Tool

  1. An experience of bringing all of life into God’s presence and a sense of His plans over the past — and the future!!
  2. We’re primed by a lot of media around us doing “year end” or “top [#]” lists. (So you’re already beginning to evaluate.)
  3. A time to acknowledge, lament, and confess as we leave our mistakes or errors behind and receive forgiveness.
  4. Celebrate the good things of the past.
  5. Plan and be intentional in moving toward the future. (Don’t just let it happen to you.)
  6. Refreshes relationships with God as well as in a marriage or family.

A New Year Planning Tool (for marriages & families too!)

Here is a tool to get you started. Individuals will find it helpful and there are some marriage/family questions too. It is best to set aside some unhurried time to pray and think about the last year and work through this. 

Some extra suggestions for families:

  • Set a time and everyone can do at the same time. (With our kids older, we just set a day and time we’ll talk and they do on their own.)
  • A few ideas to share or engage:
    • Go through each and share on them all.
    • Have each person pick one (two or three, etc.) of the last year and then for the new year. (Less pressure sometimes.)
    • Pick one question and have everyone share on it. 
  • For younger kids: When kids are younger, I have found it a good time to connect and walk through it together.
    • Help them learn about listening for God’s voice.
    • Teach about identifying the “good” in a year. 
    • Guide them in the forgiveness God gives for wrongs or mistakes. And to receive that freedom in His forgiveness.

Grab the new year reflection and planning tool here!

More New Year Resources

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