How to Live in the “Between” of Life: Finding Your Way in Confusing Times

Table of Contents

There are many images of a life following Jesus. For me, hiking has always been a powerful one. When I go out with my sons on the longer trails, there is always a period in the middle where you can’t go back…and going forward seems far. 

It’s a time that is unclear. And our spiritual life is often found in that “between.” 

How Do You Orient Yourself in the “Between?”

People try to orient themselves in various ways in the “between” of life. There are many approaches that show up in ideas or terms such as time management techniques, “life hacks”, productivity tips, human flourishing, ROI (return on investment), and others. 

But each is only a part of a larger life vision.

Key for a Christian in the “between” is that it is in the presence of God that we define everything else. It is with a sense of living in Christ that we live in a rhythm of life that begins to bring what Jesus described as a “life to the full”. And our growth — the biblical image is  “maturity” toward both whole and holy — shapes and forms us deeper in Christ and toward his likeness and ways. 

As a result, the “between” is not defined just in activity or production. For example, as the parable reminds, our callings may lead into putting resources into going to the “one” over the 99.  The economy of the Kingdom is different. For a life example, it might be that in the “between” of doing good, the right thing at that moment is to rest and a Sabbath even if less is accomplished. 

And this upside-down perspective leads to more.

Beyond Busy, Bored, or Distracted to Doing Good with God

For me this is an ongoing journey, even challenge, in seeking to know and follow God. And that story is one that has a couple victories but many more struggles or sufferings.

  • A thirst to abide with the Triune God.
  • A desire to live well and wisely. 
  • To be busy but not live in busyness. 
  • To rest, celebrate, or enjoy without guilt. 

It comes from the desire to live well. To be busy but not live in busyness. To rest, celebrate, or enjoy without guilt. 

In that journey, the theme of discernment came up more and more. I found it was not about my activity or a “work-life balance” that I could control, but a sense of God’s presence and work in whatever I was doing

Our perspective can be lifted in the middle parts of life. It moves the focus from life management to seeking God, listening, and discerning what I am called to in any particular season. This clarified into the idea of getting beyond busy, bored, or distracted to doing good with God. And that will look like a lot of things in different ways. 

  • Activity or rest
  • Victory or defeat
  • Pleasure or suffering
  • Being alone or with others.
  • In unseen prayer or out on mission with hands, feet, and mouths

Whether it was something that was easier and felt good or was difficult and painful, it was transformed in doing it with God. But that’s not a new idea. This sense of God’s presence in the “everyday stuff” found language in church history in the idea of coram Deo or the classic “practicing the presence of God” of a 17th-century Christ-follower, Brother Lawrence.

But It’s Not Been Perfect

There are challenges along the way. But God is faithful with what we offer. Through trial and error there are practices and rhythms from which we can learn. 

Most importantly, each person’s life looks different. God will meet us each in a personal way as we seek Him. But we will all find fresh purpose in living with God in our life planning. (Learn more by reaching out about the retreat.)

God will meet us each in a personal way as we seek Him and follow Jesus. 

God calls us individually but we become part of His family. It’s good (and more fun!) to do it with others. So the goal of NWL is a place to encourage one another toward a call of living faith in everyday ways that go beyond busy, bored, or distracted to doing good with God.

What’s Next?

But that is not all the story. There is a reason I am sharing this after 10 years of kicking the ideas around. In the final post of this NWL overview, I share the inspiration that came in two words from a more than difficult hour of life. 

Next Time: Two words that changed my life.

Looking for More? 

Try the monthly newsletter with other ideas and inspiration to encourage and equip you in living everyday life with God as your center. Sign up here to join others on this journey.

OR explore more in this series about the big picture and story around the idea of a Nothing Wasted Life. Check out the other posts:

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